Anyone out there that’s looking for their Soulmate might be interested in this. If you do sign up, let them know that I recommended it. Namaste Treasa xx

Soulmate Day Course
A Woman’s Celtic Path
The Way of the Seabhean
JUNE 23RD & 24TH 2012, KERRY
With International teacher and facilitator
Amantha Murphy
Our stories are alive with the richness of powerful Goddesses and women who held sacred their passion for life. Goddesses like Brigit, Maebh and Aine. Women like Grace O’Malley, Biddies Early and Catherine Hayes. Our land is called in honour of Éiru, one of the three Tuatha de Danann princesses. Our Sheela-na-gigs, reminding us of our connection to the other/inner worlds – our wombs/tombs, birth and death – and our ability to please ourselves. Our ancient memories remind us of our ability to move beyond and within. To live in the passion of our nature.
A weekend of experiencing Women’s Mysteries coupled with Shamanic journeying.
To sit in a circle of women awakening to the Sisterhood
An opportunity to immerse yourself in the Woman’s path
Re-claiming our Power, Passion and Grace as women
Connecting to our Goddesses as archetypes
Opening to our ability to be the containers
Carrying the Chalice of life and creativity, Our Blood – Our Power
We will be drawing upon our Ancestresses to re-member, re-weave and integrate the mysteries that are held within our bones and ancient memories, through Journeying and Rites of Passage.
As womyn we are wild, passionate, feeling, grace-filled expressions of the Divine Feminine. In our deep act of re-membering, we will re-weave ourselves whole.
Join us for this weekend of chanting, moving, playing and holding Sacred Space.
VENUE: Faha, Killarney, Kerry, Ireland
EXCHANGE: 200-160 Euros
CONTACT: Amantha at: phone no. 066 9767253
For more information, directions and local accommodation, please contact Amantha
Festival of the Fires
Festival of the Fires will be held at Uisneach on Bealtaine, read all about it on their website.
Dublin Bay Prawn Festival, Howth 27th – 29th April 2012
Packed with lots of fun and food delights, the Dublin Bay Prawn Festival features a food village packed with food stalls and tasting sessions with everything from top quality seafood to freshly sourced local foods from some of the region’s finest restaurants and artisans. Other food events include cookery demonstrations, wine-tasting events and prawn shelling competitions. During the day there is street entertainment and a programme of walks, talks and seaside antics. As the sun goes down over Howth Harbour the fun continues as each evening the festival offer choices such as a Mystery Dine Around, Fireworks on the Harbour and in-house musical entertainment in Howth’s Pubs.
Metamorphic Technique workshops 2012 as listed below: