Mediumship Demonstration


I thoroughly enjoyed Tony Stockwell and Declan Flynn’s evening of mediumship. The event started on time, with Declan giving the first demonstrations before passing the evening over to Tony. I found both Declan and Tony to be extremely professional, dealing with sensitive issues politely and with empathy. They were able to confirm things down to the smallest detail, from what jewellery people wore and what songs they liked to sing to more serious matters like how they passed over and details of their state of health before passing over. While I didn’t get a message personally, two of the people in my company did, and they were both absolutely delighted and able to confirm that Declan and Tony got everything spot on. A wonderful evening, my only regret leaving was that I hadn’t signed up for the weekend course. For more information check out Declan’s website: Irish Academy of  Mediumship


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