Samhain at the Mound of the Hostages


Doire Lois Muilleann:  Looks like we are going to get a lovely dry evening for our Samhain celebrations tomorrow night.  Feel free to invite your friends to join us for a Samhain Ceremony on the astronomical date of the most solemn Celtic High Feast of the year as we honour the Ancestors and remember our nearest and dearest who have passed beyond the Veil. Please bring lanterns, torches or candle in a jar and a gift to leave at the site eg a flower. The Mound of the Hostages is traditionally associated with Samhain due to it’s hosting of great assemblies in mythological and historical times. The Mound is aligned with the Samhain rising sun, a symbol of hope, newlife and rebirth.

Tuesday 6th November, 19.45 – 21.30, the Hill of Tara

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