Life Coaching – Third Session


Last night’s session wasn’t nearly as difficult as the second session.  I had completed the tasks I committed to have done for this week, they weren’t too difficult but there is another task I committed to doing by session four, and I haven’t done anything with that yet.

This week we made a list of my Negative Self Beliefs and then a list of my Positive Self Beliefs, the negative one was much longer and easier to do than the positive one.  My Life Coach then suggested adding Positive Qualities I would like to believe about myself to that list, which helped.

We got rid of all the negative ones, and it felt great scribbling them all out.  Then we went through the positive ones to see which ones I felt a blockage around and I had to visualise and draw a picture of the blockage and then choose a way to get rid of it.

I’ve lots of things I committed to do over the next two weeks before we meet up for session four.


Life Coaching – Second Session


I had my second Life Coaching Session yesterday.  I had done both tasks I was given to do last week, one which I thought would be very easy turned out to be quite difficult, and one that I thought would be a massive challenge, while time consuming turned out not to be too difficult at all.

This week was tough, I had to list what I wanted less of in my life and also what was most important to me, and then once I had both lists completed, to choose which items on each list were the most important.

After that we had to agree on tasks for me to complete for my next session, and this is where I was quite resistant.  We eventually settled on two and hopefully I will get them done and next week’s session will go more smoothly.

While I am saying the session was difficult, I’m not saying that I don’t see the value in it.  We went quite deeply into my life and core beliefs and I found some of it a bit upsetting, but if you want to move forward and make changes you need to have a level of understanding of where you are and what you want in your life.  A lot of us tend to avoid looking at these things too deeply or too often, it takes us out of our comfort zone and puts things we aren’t too happy about under the spotlight.

Now that it’s been done I am quite happy with how it went and looking forward to our next session.


Positive Affirmations for Recovery


Positive Affirmations for Recovery is a meditation combining relaxation and breathing techniques with a series of affirmations, designed to create positive feelings and to encourage and support people in their recovery.
If you would like to make a donation to help fund addiction treatment services you can donate now at



Click here for FREE MP3 Download
Originally created as a group project for NUIM Certificate in Addiction Studies
With special thanks to the staff and clients of Coolmine TC
and staff and clients of SAOL Project
©Laudient 2013
Meditation: Treasa Kerrigan
Music:  Daniele Sansovini
Research: Daniel Carter and Laura Mason
Video, Graphic Design and Sound Editing: Treasa Kerrigan

Life Coaching


I had my first of four Life Coaching sessions this week.  I was a bit apprehensive beforehand, as I had never met the facilitator before but we got on very well and he quickly put me at ease.  We did the Wheel of Life, where you evaluate 8 different areas of your life to see where you are doing well and where you feel there is room for improvement.  Following on from that I chose four things I felt needed work and he gave me two tasks to complete before our next session, both of which I chose myself, one small and one slightly bigger.


Numerology of 2013


The Earth has moved from a number five year into 2013, which means we are now in a number six year.   The number six relates to Unconditional Love, and the focus will be on Peace and Harmony and the Family.  We will be moving at a slower pace than last year, so take time to relax and enjoy the fulfilling and loving relationships you have or wish to create with your family and other loved ones.



End of Year Full Moon Clearing Ritual


As we reach the end of 2012, it is important to release the energies of the year and make room for the new energies of 2013.  To achieve this I held a ceremony last night, invoking the Four Directions, Above and Below, Sacred Space Within, my Guides, Angels, Power Animals, Celtic Deities and my Ancestors.  Using herbs, oils, branches and other symbolic gifts, I made offerings to the Sacred Fire and asked Spirit to release any people, situations or things that no longer serve my highest good from my Life.


Following on from this, I slept with Vicks VapoRub on my feet to draw any negative energies out through the soles of my feet and then this morning, myself and a good friend performed a mental and spiritual cleansing using Hopi Ear Candles.


Some people choose to do their rituals at different Moon times, as a Reflector the Full Moon is a very important time for me energetically and any momentuous Life decisions or events always occur around the time of the full moon.  I wasn’t aware of this pattern in my life for a long time, but looking back this was happening even though I didn’t know it consciously.


If you feel like holding your own cleansing ritual, don’t get bogged down in rules and regulations and what other people say, what works for one person won’t necessarily be right for you.  The important things to remember are to create a Sacred Space, honour Spirit and ask them for their help, and when you are finished to thank Spirit and close the Sacred Space.


Wishing a wonderful New Year to you all, full of magic and blessings.  Namaste Treasa xxx